• I work a long day each and every day and there is always music in the background. In my car, I listen to a book the majority of the time to decompress on my drive home or to inspire me at the beginning of my day. On a rare occasion, I do listen to music it has to be something soul Igniting.
I am a dreamer I don’t run from it I don’t try to hide from it. I’m the person who always looks for the silver lining. However, I feel that if we never experience darkness and appreciate it for what it is, we will never value the joy of basking in the light. As of lately, I found myself not feeling quite myself.
After reading my favorite quote from renowned Chef Marco Pierre White.
”If you have a dream you have a responsibility to make it come true…….Because if you don’t you are just a dreamer. ”
Inspired by the music that ignites my soul, fueled by my favorite quote. I feel the passion that I have for my dreams and am taking responsibility to make them come true. Those of you are fans of my writing and are waiting for next preview it’s coming soon. Thank you for believing in me and my dreams.
• Earlier this week I was suppose reading an article and I read a quote. “The only perfect people are in the cemetery. “
I laughed out loud and shared it with my friends. Each day we all get up living our lives many of us striving for perfection that may never be achieved. I am not perfect nor do I pretend to be. I’m just me.
The same day I read this a dear friend of mine passed away. Leaving me to reflect upon his life. He was very beloved and always took the time to graciously appreciate those who were in his life.
He had called me one morning in April. He asked me to help him do something special for his wife and Daughters-in-law. I realized at this moment how truliy sick he was and he was trying to create that one last special memory to leave behind.
I pondered for a week on what to do. I found some beautiful miniature orchids. They can survive a hurricane and still bloom when it’s there time. It would be the symbolic keepsake to represent a life well lived weathering the storms together. Each lady received a note a flower and dove inspiration chocolate for their special day.
Today what once was will never be again and what it is today will tomorrow be what once was. So live each day for you savoring the moments which define your soul. Carve the path that best fits your own dreams and not the ones you think the world wants for you.
Rest in Peace Dear friend I look forward to the day we meet again.
• Business will always be “just Business” just as human nature will incline people to “just be people”. I will always hands down choose the “people Business”.
I have devoted my adult life to the “people business”. I have the honor and privilege in having a front row seat and creating the moments that become treasured memories. Allowing me the opportunity to share in the first hand accounts of the Stories that make up their lives. I don’t believe in business transactions instead I believe in interactions allowing interpersonal relationships to develop.
I have known Jack and Nancy for nearly twenty years. I see them a few times a week and some weeks not at all. Throughout the years they have shared many stories with me. I treasure each one because it’s an intimate look into their world and what makes them the people they are.
Recently they shared a childhood story. One of which I would have never imagined knowing Jack in the aspect which have for all these years. He shared with me his favorite snack “devil dogs”. I must have given him a strange look. They questioned if I knew what they were and I told them no.
Fast forward to Saturday afternoon just over a week ago. I am in the middle of taking care of someone else. Out of the corner of my eye I see Nancy she’s holding a brown bag.
She thrust it towards me. “Jack and I have driven everywhere looking for these. In the bag are devil dogs and piece of our childhood.” She was gone as quickly as she came.
The next day I received a phone call from someone else to ensure I would be at work on Monday. These ladies were moving away forever and wished to say farewell.
I have known these lovely ladies for just over two years. They are quiet unassuming and very to themselves. On a Friday afternoon just after Easter they came in. I happened to not be busy at the time. They began asking me questions which was a rarity for them. They are normally very quiet and “just business”.
Not often do I open the window to my world. My business is focused on the people I encounter and their story. On this particular afternoon they commented on how they enjoy me because I’m always the same very even and happy. I gave them my TRUE and patterned answer. It’s simple “I love what I do. I feel that if you can truly say you do what you love and love what you do, work will never be work but a true enjoyable pleasure.”
How many people get to say that In their life. We continued our conversation. They asked where I grew up and about my life. Normally at this point I find something to do. No one really wants to know these things.
On this particular day I opened the window to my world. I shared with them my own intimate stories of overcoming negativity and finding strength and hope in living happily. In the end they told me I should write a book. I laughed. I then shared my own theory, and my life’s work, “Living Life with The Top Down”.
These wonderful ladies moved away a week ago. Before they left they brought me a gift, one of the most thoughtful and greatest gifts I have ever received, a gold bracket engraved with “Living Life with The Top Down.” To inspire me to continue with the book that tells the story of my life and remind me to inspire others to do the same.
Life is one big beautiful puzzle. There are many pieces. Some repeat themselves throughout the puzzle as others are only in one scene. The puzzle is filled with a compilation of dreams not all are intended to be forever. Many dreams are merely a catalyst to bring us to the platform which evolves one dream into the next.
Life your life with the Top Down, fearlessly seeking your dreams. Be present in your life and make each interaction count.
Life comes with no guarantees. It’s the simple enchantment of its mystery which keeps us moving forward Living to dream and dreaming to live. Happy Anniversary to my husband. The man who always supports my dreams no matter how ludicrous they may seem.Last year on this day I was presented an opportunity that sounded a bit outrageous even for me. Thank you for supporting me in my decision. allowing me to pursue that opportunity. Affording me to a view of the world through a different perspective and rediscover the girl who lives inside my soul. Making new life long friends along the way.
- Life is a funny thing. It’s all about individual perception and the way we accept and move forward from each of our trials and tribulations.If we walked through life never feeling hurt or pain we would never learn how to appreciate what we have. I often say “Everyday Can’t be Christmas”. Life is meant to be lived not simply survived. Each individual in our lives has a purpose. Perhaps the window of time of which they are there is small or spanning an epic lifetime.Everyone has a purpose and people are not disposable like your morning coffee cup. Hold them treasure them and accept them for their own individuality. Don’t allow them to take away your light OWN YOUR TOMORROW!
- This year has been incredible, heart wrenching and exhilarating all at once. You will never be able to convince me that the people in our lives just happen to be there.I will always believe they are there with purpose part of a beautiful synchronized story.This year I have learned so much about myself. Not only the person I am now but the girl at the foundation of my soul as well as a look into the person I am destined to become. I have met new “forever friends” whom I will treasure for my lifetime. These friends have reminded me not only where I’ve been but given me insight and a new perspective on where I’m going.Not long ago I gave one of them a gift to celebrate a triumph in their life.‘This being my sassy friend. He turned to my other friend and said. “I’m Melissa’s favorite she loves me more than you. She gives me gifts. What does she give you?”She in turn smiled at him and shook her head. In her most polite manner she simple stated “Melissa gives me the gift of her wisdom. Each moment I spend with her I walk away wiser’.I laughed at the two of them and treasure that she feels I am wise.Yesterday a friend asked if I had finished my Christmas shopping. I laughed. This is the first time in my life that I have not bought one gift and I don’t even care. That is truly unlike me and she asked if I had finally lost my mind.I laughed a cathartic healing laugh. No I just have a new perspective. Later in the evening upon my arrival home I had a conversation with one of my children. He had messaged me earlier the lyrics to a song about making mistakes. He followed it by a statement about the difficulties of gaining parental approval and making the parents you see as incredible people proud when you feel you don’t measure up.We had a very long conversation which ended with two simple lessons.He shared with me two things he had learned from being our Son. Family always comes first no matter if it is your traditional family or your symbolic family.The second lesson was always listen to people and take to heart their input. The road to greatness is only completed by those who truly stop and listen. The person in the room presumed to be the least intelligent will still offer a different perspective and a resolution that you never thought of.He went on to say. You have always told me, “No matter what your title of your job is you are in the people business. Rule number one is listen and you will succeed.”My life is not perfect and I do not believe I am any more extraordinary than anyone else. My life will never be picture perfect and that’s something to be proud of. However I am grateful each day for every opportunity I have.So if my child is grateful for these gifts than my Shopping is done. Merry Christmas.
- Often in life we must let go of something that we struggle to release. Imagine reading an amazing novel you get to the five hundredth page realize there are only fifty pages left which you must savor then say goodbye.You must let this go in order to fulfill your reason of existence. However the great thing about print is you can always come back and read it again to stir those feelings even though you can’t truly go back.
- Earlier this week I was honored with accolades and awarded a gift for “working the most in 2017”. Although I am honored and humbled to receive this award. It is not what I am striving for.I have thought very deeply about this as each congratulations came. I do not wish my epitaph to be “she worked hard and the most”. I simply wish to leave behind a much greater more inspired memory.As I have been pondering this Facebook has asked me each day to designate a charity for my birthday. I have also labored over this. Sonya Humphrey’s came first to my mind, The Perry Cohen foundation, Wounded Warriors, and one most dear to my heart Little Smiles. I don’t want to simply ask you to donate the money you would spend on a birthday card to my favorite charity.I wish to inspire you. In January of 2017 I had a very traumatic experience just before my birthday and I designated 2017 as the year I would Live more, Love More, and Laugh more! I did. I enjoyed 2017 in a way I never imagined. I did things for myself that I would have never in my lifetime have done because I have responsibilities to my family and the world. In doing so I have made “Forever Friends”. My experiences in 2017 have given me a new perspective in life a new window of which to view the world a reminder of the girl who will always live inside of me and is never to old to dream the biggest dreams.I implore you to join me as I make 2018 the year of “Living and Giving”. By giving you feel better and live more. I try to be very giving always but this year I intended to give more of my time and undivided attention to those who need it the most.So as much as I would love for you to donate to my favorite charities I would prefer you be inspired to give your time and kindness. Both are free. Please don’t remember my legacy as she worked the most.
- Don’t allow the world to change you…….Be the catalyst to change the world of someone else.
- Not everyone we meet in this world will return the unconditional love and kindness we willingly give. This should not change who we are instead it gives us a new direction to spread our love and kindness.
- Mother’s Day honors the women whom bring us into the world. It’s a day where we are reminded to be grateful for the endless possibilities of which we have because someone gave us life.I am very blessed each day not only to have my own children but to also have many interpersonal relationships with people who also call me “Mama” or “Mom”.There are many women whom have shaped my life. Perhaps by supporting my hopes and dreams, or just by allowing me the opportunity to share in the window to their world.I feel that as humans we are constantly evolving and growing through our interpersonal relationships as well as professional and occasionally by just a brief moment a chance encounter.Happy Mother’s Day not only to my Mother who gave me life and the motivation to always keep moving forward. In addition I wish to honor all the women whom allow me the moments that have an impact on their world. Including the women who have impacted and continue to inspire me to never stop dreaming!
- Growing up my Father would always tell me he didn’t want me digging ditches for my career. So study hard so you don’t have to. I had a conversation with someone the other day. My advice to them. You will often have to dig quite a few ditches to uncover your dreams. There is no shame in digging ditches. There is an immense amount of pride as well as a feeling of accomplishment in doing so. Dreams have no expiration date so just keep digging.