My life has been filled with creating stories. My oldest memories all contain stories created through my many adventures seeing and reading things which inspired these special stories.
Throughout high school my teachers nurtured and encouraged my writing. I was taken aback my Freshman year of college when I had written a very solemn paper about fall. My teacher wrote on my paper a re-write was in order and scolded me for my feelings. I dropped her class and took it with another teacher the following summer.
I stopped writing and creating my stories finding myself living with a piece my puzzle missing. After having a family I once again found my inspiration and my love of reading and writing.
I truly believe everything happens for a reason. It has been over 15 years since I rediscovered this love and it flows through my veins as if it’s a necessity for sustaining life.
I have been working on several books over all these years and about a year ago I felt inspired to begin a blog to share my stories. I hope you enjoy them and feel the power you have in being a part of my puzzle as well as my journey.
If you are a writer and feel that same undeniable calling. I encourage you to being your own blog chronicling your journey. I have included the links that I used making it possible to bring you into my world. Enjoy the adventure.